Tag Archives: Child Support

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What Does the Area of Family Law Cover?

Divorce is only One Aspect of Family Law Most people will use the terms “Family Law” and…

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Parenting Coordination in California

Over the last 20 years, the area of Family Law has gone through some major changes in…

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Do we need to go to court to set up a spousal or child support agreement in California?

It is not necessary to go to court The short answer is no, you don’t have to…

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​Can I “Move Away” After My Divorce is Finalized in California?

There are many cases where after a divorce, one of the spouses wants to move away with…

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What is a Request for Order Hearing in California?

Similar to Order to Show Cause or Notice of Motion In California, one spouse may seek a…

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The Impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017 on Divorce

How will the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Impact Divorce Agreements? The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act…

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What is Involved in a Parenting Plan in California?

A Parenting Plan also called a custody and visitation agreement, is a set of guidelines that parents…

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Missing Child Support Payments During the Coronavirus Pandemic

There are many sad realities that we are all dealing with during the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. At…

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Child Support Re-assessment After Losing a Job

Losing a job is a life-changing event and can be made even more upsetting if you are…

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San Jose, CA 95126

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