Tag Archives: Divorce Facts

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Residency Requirements to Obtain a Divorce in California

California, as all states in the Unites States, has passed a law allowing a “no fault” divorce.…

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Divorce vs. Separation in California

When relationships become difficult and a couple is trying to determine whether or not they wish to…

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Dealing with Divorce in California: Taking Care of Yourself

Going through a divorce is one of the most difficult and stressful things that can happen to…

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Stop Procrastinating on Finalizing your Divorce in California

Stress and emotion are incredible motivators. When things are stressful, we tend to act very quickly. The…

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Reasons To Settle Out of Court in California

Divorce proceedings can be complicated even for the most civil of couples. However, in any case, there…

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What is the Divorce Process in California?

The Process of Divorce Does Not Require the Agreement of Both Spouses ​In California, the process of…

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Are there any cases where you can request that a judge award attorney’s fees?

In California, there are two specific circumstances where a judge may order one spouse to pay the…

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What are the legal grounds for Divorce in California?

In California, there are two legal grounds for divorce: Irreconcilable differences, which have caused the irremediable breakdown…

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What is a Summary Dissolution in California?

Summary Dissolution is a streamlined process for a divorce in California that has quite a list of…

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Now That the Divorce is Finalized, Are There Things I Need to Do?

Make sure your bank accounts and credit cards are secure. Your best bet is to close any…

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​Can I “Move Away” After My Divorce is Finalized in California?

There are many cases where after a divorce, one of the spouses wants to move away with…

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What does “No-Fault” mean in terms of Divorce in California?

California was the first state in the United States to pass a law that allowed for a…

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What Does it Mean to Have a Fiduciary Responsibility to Your Spouse?

What is a Fiduciary? A fiduciary relationship is defined as: “where one person places complete confidence in…

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The Myth of the 50% Divorce Rate in California

Was the divorce rate ever really 50%? One of the most quoted statistics is that 1 in…

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You have a fiduciary responsibility to your spouse during a divorce in California

First, we must define what means to be a fiduciary. A fiduciary is a person who has…

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Quarantine Leading to Higher Rates of Divorce in California

Social distancing is causing a lot of stress for many across the state and country. Keeping yourself…

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5 Signs Your Marriage is in Trouble

The holidays are behind us, the celebrations long gone and now that we are firmly entrenched in…

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Take the High Road

Conflicts between two people always include two sets of facts that may or may not resemble each…

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Is Conscious Uncoupling a Thing For Most People?

We in California are often bombarded with the latest celebrity divorce gossip, and it can sometimes influence…

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What is the difference between legal separation and divorce in California?

If you have reached what you believe to be the end of your marriage, depending on your…

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