Tag Archives: Child Custody

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Difference Between Physical and Legal Custody in California

Custody is often separated into two very distinct areas. These areas are Physical Custody and Legal Custody.…

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What Does the Area of Family Law Cover?

Divorce is only One Aspect of Family Law Most people will use the terms “Family Law” and…

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Parenting Coordination in California

Over the last 20 years, the area of Family Law has gone through some major changes in…

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​Can I “Move Away” After My Divorce is Finalized in California?

There are many cases where after a divorce, one of the spouses wants to move away with…

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Supervised Visitation in California

Courts Will Always Consider the Safety and Comfort of the Child The policy of the State of…

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What is a Request for Order Hearing in California?

Similar to Order to Show Cause or Notice of Motion In California, one spouse may seek a…

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What is Involved in a Parenting Plan in California?

A Parenting Plan also called a custody and visitation agreement, is a set of guidelines that parents…

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Custody Evaluations in California

Going through a divorce is a stressful process. We do what we can to remove as much…

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Getting Back to Custody Agreements in California

The good news is mask mandates are lifting, and the world may finally be on its way…

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Custody Disagreement During the Time of COVID-19

Custody agreements between parents remain a sensitive subject at the best of times. You would think with…

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What happens when a kid gets sick just before parenting time?

The phrase “parenting time” is being used in place of “visitation” since it makes it sound like…

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Let’s Get Through the Pandemic Crisis Together

It is an unfortunate reality we live in right now with a Pandemic making its way across…

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Divorced for the Holidays

As you are probably aware, the all-consuming “Holiday Season” is upon us, and for those of us…

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Holiday Season Scheduling

Just as the arrival of September signals the beginning of the new school year, with all the…

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Contempt of Court and Child Custody

In California, there are two types of contempt of court proceedings. Direct contempt, which occurs when someone…

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Is there really a bias toward the mother when it comes to the custody of the children?

If you were to just look at the numbers, you may say that there is definitely a…

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Shared Custody Out of State: How to Stay Close With Your Kids After You Move.

Living away from your children after a divorce can be one of the most difficult parts of…

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San Jose, CA 95126

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TDC Family Law serves the entire state of California for Contempt of Court and Private Settlement Judge & Mediation

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